Guidelines for Active Participation at the Cutting Tools 2024 Conference


  • The maximum length of the abstract is 200 words.
  • The abstract must be in English.
  • Do not use non-standard abbreviations in the article title.

Preparation of the Presentation

  • The total length of the presentation is 15 minutes.
  • The official languages of the conference are Slovak, Czech, and English.
  • Presentations (in .pptx, .pdf format) of individual contributions at the conference should be in English.
  • We recommend preparing the presentation using MS PowerPoint or Adobe Acrobat.

Preparation of the Article

The preparation of the full-text article will follow the requirements of the respective journal.

Full-text contributions selected by the scientific committee after the conference must be submitted in English!

After the conference, the scientific committee will recommend the selected contributions for submission of the full text to the MM Science Journal (WoS, ISSN 1805-0476 (online)) in accordance with the requirements listed on the journal’s website.

Instructions for authors submitting to MM Science Journal.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the conference organizing committee.Instructions for Authors Submitting to MM Science Journal.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the conference organizing committee.