Dear colleagues from academia and industry,

on November 20th-22th, 2024, the city of Trnava will host the first annual international scientific and professional conference called Cutting Tools 2024. The event will take place at the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology of the Slovak University of Technology, located in Trnava.

The aim of the conference is to connect people from industry with the academic and university environment to jointly discuss the latest challenges for the future. For this reason, we have decided to organize the conference in collaboration with MASAM, a manufacturer of cutting tools, and the MASAM R&D research and development company, in conjunction with the academic community of the STU MTF. The Cutting Tools conference serves as a unique venue where interesting solutions are brought together with opportunities for cooperation. It aspires to become a platform for sharing information on trends in cutting tools, their research, development, and practical applications in chip machining.

The event will feature plenary lectures, keynote speeches, workshops, and presentations by research and development centers and industrial partners active in this field. The conference will be opened with a speech by MASAM’s CEO, Milan Mandák, and the dean of the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology of STU in Trnava, Miloš Čambál.

Researchers, scientists, and PhD students if you are looking for new opportunities for collaboration within your project, Cutting Tools 2024 is the ideal opportunity to discover new research and business prospects. We will ensure that your contribution meets high standards of relevance. Contributions from the conference will be published in the MM Science Journal, which is indexed in citation databases such as Web of Science™, Scopus®, and EBSCO.

The conference will provide an excellent international platform for sharing knowledge and experience in the fields of engineering, education, and management with an interdisciplinary focus on solving current issues related to cutting tools.

We believe that the conference will enrich you not only professionally but also expand your vision in the following areas:

  • cutting tools and jigs
  • manufacturing technologies (machining, forming, welding),
  • additive manufacturing technologies,
  • advanced manufacturing technologies,
  • process diagnostics,
  • reverse engineering,
  • production automation,
  • industry 4.0,
  • metrology,
  • quality processes
  • digitalization of production,
  • materials engineering,
  • industrial applications.


Conference participants will be provided with accommodation at the Holiday Inn  hotel in Trnava at discounted rates. Reservations must be made by November 4th, 2024, through the Holiday Inn hotel’s reservation form or via email at: When booking accommodation at the discounted rate, please include the note “Cutting Tools 2024” in the recipient’s remarks.

Accommodation is not included in the participation fee and each participant is responsible for covering it separately.

Breakfast is included in the accommodation fee.

The following prices apply for accommodation during the conference:
Single room with breakfast – 110€/room
Double room with breakfast – 130€/room


All contributions/papers must be submitted in English!

SEPA – payments from countries of the EU, EEA and others
Beneficiary‘s bank*: STATNA POKLADNICA Radlinského 32 810 05 Bratislava Slovensko
Beneficiary‘s account number*: SK22 8180 0000 0070 0008 1412
Názov účtu príjemcu: Podn. č. MTF TT
Beneficiary‘s account name*: Jána Bottu č. 25 917 24 Trnava
Country/Territory: SK – Slovakia
SWIFT – payment from outside the EU
Beneficiary‘s bank*: STATNA POKLADNICA Radlinského 32 810 05 Bratislava Slovensko
Beneficiary’s intermediary bank*: Všeobecná úverová banka a. s. Mlynské Nivy 1 829 90 Bratislava Slovakia
Beneficiary‘s account number*: SK22 8180 0000 0070 0008 1412
Beneficiary‘s account name*: Podn. č. MTF TT
Beneficiary‘s address: Jána Bottu č. 25 917 24 Trnava
Country/Territory: SK – Slovakia


Papers selected by the conference’s scientific board will be recommended for publication in the MM Science Journal, which is indexed in citation databases such as Web of Science™, Scopus®, and EBSCO. The publication fee for an article in the MM Science Journal is 285 € + VAT.